I'm here, trying to advise and help. This is probably best for first-time-mums, because that's what I am :) I'm not saying that second, third, fourth time-mums can't get anything from this, but you probably know it already. I'm NOT a doctor, I'm just offering advice and personal experiences that people may or may not want to learn from. I'm possibly controversial, I don't really know to be honest, but this is just what I think is best for me and my baby. This is created with the view of a mum-to-mum chat. If you're a Daddy looking things up, be warned there may be talk of vaginas that you may not want to know.

I recommend that because you get so many things thrust at you, by the hospital, by friends and family, books, internet...I would recommend you only research your current stage, and the next one, so you have advice for what you're going through, and what's coming next, otherwise you can get confused, think your baby is ready for something that they're not. I've included a search bar where you can search for the stage you want so it won't be too confusing.

Mum to one beautiful baby girl.

Monday 11 November 2013

Pregnancy: The Beginning of something special

Congratulations! You've found out you're gonna have a little baba! Now once the excitement is over you'll realize exactly how much there is to do and prepare for. You're having leaflets shoved at you left right and centre, a tonne of advice thrust in your face, AND you're feeling the worst you ever have in your life! I'm going to try and help you through it. I may be no use at all, but I can try my best, because that's all we can do. There is a lot doctors, relatives...EVERYONE, EXPECT you to know. I'm not a normal woman. I've never dreamed of a big white wedding and I never even wanted kids. Right up until the pregnancy test, about an hour afterwards, and I fell in love with my baby girl, just like that. But I've not spent my whole life planning for babies. There are things that I didn't know because of this. Some things I've said to other moms that I didn't know, and they looked at me incredulously. I was...AM...baby-dumb. Don't laugh at things you think are obvious, please.

Breaking the news - we gave each Grandma a "world's best grandma" mug. We thought it was cute. Occupational hazard - if one (or both) grandma is a grandma already, they might not get it. We waited for a very long time before we told them, about four or five months, and when they find out that you knew long beforehand, there might be upsets, and there will definitely be japes. Even though we did say that, since I had a period towards the beginning of the pregnancy, we didn't want to tell anyone until we were sure she was okay.

Morning sickness - not sure I can really help with this, I was a luck SOB and only threw up about five times throughout, but why they call it MORNING sickness, none of us really know. It's to make you feel better, I think. But you want to be prepared, don't you? It's morning, noon and night sickness. I had it mostly at night. Heard a tip since, if you know you're going to throw up, eat vanilla ice cream. It doesn't stop you throwing up, but apparently it stops the horrible burning sensation. Haven't tried it myself, but it sounds good, huh? :) Morning sickness doesn't necessarily stop after the first trimester, sorry. It doesn't even necessarily stop after the BIRTH. I'm really sorry. In fact, throwing up CAN be a sign of labour. I was in hospital with a suspected stomach bug overnight, throwing up lots about two days before I had my baby. And even if it's not a sign of labour, stomach bugs and the like can stimulate labour, so be careful.

Nausea - now this is something I DID go through. It's much worse than the throwing up as far as I'm concerned. Baby LITERALLY DOES NOT LIKE certain foods. You know how you can get cravings? There's also aversions. You'll get to know what your baby does and does not like. I had a wonderful excuse to sleep in, my baby gave me awful nausea if I stood up before 10am. Good thing my job at the time was 2pm - 10pm. I still get nausea. There's really not much you can do about it. Sit down. Have something really inoffensive like cooled boiled water, or weak tea. The only thing that really works though, it time. Sometimes I got it if I ate too QUICKLY, baby was like, woah what's all this? So try slowing down or stopping for a minute if you're actually eating.

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