I'm here, trying to advise and help. This is probably best for first-time-mums, because that's what I am :) I'm not saying that second, third, fourth time-mums can't get anything from this, but you probably know it already. I'm NOT a doctor, I'm just offering advice and personal experiences that people may or may not want to learn from. I'm possibly controversial, I don't really know to be honest, but this is just what I think is best for me and my baby. This is created with the view of a mum-to-mum chat. If you're a Daddy looking things up, be warned there may be talk of vaginas that you may not want to know.

I recommend that because you get so many things thrust at you, by the hospital, by friends and family, books, internet...I would recommend you only research your current stage, and the next one, so you have advice for what you're going through, and what's coming next, otherwise you can get confused, think your baby is ready for something that they're not. I've included a search bar where you can search for the stage you want so it won't be too confusing.

Mum to one beautiful baby girl.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

The Changing bag.

You need a nice big changing bag, squishy and easy to manipulate, so you can shove it any which way. I find my changing bag with an adjustable strap very useful, and it is a good size for me.
My change bag
You will need your change bag every day, every time you go out, and even if you're only nipping to the shop around the corner, because there could be an emergency, you might want to just hop on a bus into town and this would give you the freedom to do so, you could be out longer than you anticipated. This is a completely separate entity to your handbag. It's easiest to shove it at the bottom of the pram in the basket, but sometimes you don't want to keep bending down and faffing so you hang it over the handles instead.

What you need in your change bag:-
  • fold up change mat (optional) right at the bottom. You very rarely need it, but you might want to cushion an incredibly hard changing mat in a public change room, or you might need to make do with bad conditions. It's useful in the rare times you need it.
  • Change of clothes. For your baby. Essential, and, if they're ill, you might want to take another change. I mean a complete change. Vest, bodysuit/trousers and top, socks, gloves and hat if necessary. This is if they throw up or poo everywhere.
  • Extra clothes. This is different. This is things your baby MIGHT need. An extra layer for if it gets cold. A jumper or cardigan basically.
  • Spare dummy (if applicable) in a plastic bag. Keep this close to the top.
  • Muslin squares. Essential. you may need two or three.
  • Baby wipes. Always. Changing their bum or wiping their face, baby wipes are incredibly versatile and essential.
  • Nappies. 4x. Yes. And remember to replace them once they've been used.
  • Nappy bags. Always bring some, but to be honest you don't always use them in public.
  • Bum cream.
  • Emergency feed. This is not a feed feed, it's a pre-made carton (SMA and pre-sterilized teats are very useful) it's not to be counted as a feed - it's an emergency. If you run out, get snowed in or stranded somewhere sort of thing. Keep it in the bag at all times.
  • Medicines and syringes. At least a painkiller, a wind fixer, and a teething gel
  • The day's feeds. You might also want to bring a spare, just in case.
  • Toys. Small things like rattles or squishy like cuddly toys.  Bring the "main" toys with you in the pram/car, but things get lost, thrown, dirty, run out of batteries. I keep a small rattle in the change bag at all times.
In addition, I also carry some baby-related things in my handbag at all times
  • spare muslin for quick access
  • camera
  • diary for appointments
  • her red book (otherwise I'll lose it or forget to bring it to appointments)
With all of this you can see how mums can seem so scattered. There's a hundred things to remember to bring and do. When I was first told that it would take three hours to leave the house, I didn't believe them. I did quite well though, I managed it in two...most things are static in your change bag, you just need to check you still have things.
Don't worry, you'll get used to it. And you'll start to arrange them as to, what will I need first? That can go on top. It's a lot to lug around with you and is one of the hardest things to get used to, because you can't just decide to go out anymore, there's all this preparation. No-one told you it was easy did they?

SMA pre made bottle

Box of teats

This is how they come. Pre sterilized, in a little
bag, can be popped in your change bag like this

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