I'm here, trying to advise and help. This is probably best for first-time-mums, because that's what I am :) I'm not saying that second, third, fourth time-mums can't get anything from this, but you probably know it already. I'm NOT a doctor, I'm just offering advice and personal experiences that people may or may not want to learn from. I'm possibly controversial, I don't really know to be honest, but this is just what I think is best for me and my baby. This is created with the view of a mum-to-mum chat. If you're a Daddy looking things up, be warned there may be talk of vaginas that you may not want to know.

I recommend that because you get so many things thrust at you, by the hospital, by friends and family, books, internet...I would recommend you only research your current stage, and the next one, so you have advice for what you're going through, and what's coming next, otherwise you can get confused, think your baby is ready for something that they're not. I've included a search bar where you can search for the stage you want so it won't be too confusing.

Mum to one beautiful baby girl.

Friday 15 November 2013

Pregnancy: Scans and Kicks!

Daddy needs to take a day off work and come and see the scan. I don't care if you're not still together, if you want him to be part of baby's life, he has to come to the scan. It's a magical moment where daddy falls in love with his baby. You fell in love with her weeks ago, when hormones kicked in and you knew you were having a beautiful little baby, but daddies don't have that. It's sort of not real for daddies for a long time. Bringing them to the scan is a great way to let them get involved, a chance to love their baby before they feel her kick. Seeing her move, seeing what you can already feel, is magical. A beautiful special bonding moment for all of you.

Don't panic about feeling her move. You will. There's nothing wrong with her, it will happen. Just wait, and breathe, stay calm and you will feel her move, maybe even before you're "supposed" to! First time moms don't feel it as quickly as second, third, fourth time moms, because they don't really know what they're feeling for. So don't panic if people are saying, well I felt my baby move at X weeks, and you're stood there at X+5 weeks. It's no problem. And you'll feel her quicker than Daddy will with his head on your belly, but don't get disheartened. both of you keep talking to her, singing to her, telling her about your day, not only will it make her recognize your voices, she will soon start responding to them!

I've heard on the grapevine that you should choose a song, and play it to your bump every single day throughout your pregnancy. I was told that if you play it to them when they come out, it will send them to sleep at night. I have also heard that if you play it whilst they are coming into the world, it will make the birth easier and relax the baby as there is something familiar going on. Now I don't know about all that, and the trouble we had to get the hospital to let us plug in our own damn fan in the height of summer, getting them to play a song over and over again in a delivery room...not sure they would actually allow that, maybe it's only for home births...I'm not sure. But I will tell you this. I played lots of music to my bump, and repeated a few, very often. The first time she heard one of those songs when she was out of the womb, she started DANCING. She was about a month old and danced to it, because she recognized it. So whether it RELAXES them, I can't say. But I can definitely say that they recognize music you play to them in the womb.

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